Here at the nursery, we have a love for wild varieties of succulents. By growing harder to find species like Echeveria lutea in our gardens, we contribute to their survival, safeguarding them against potential threats to their wild populations.
In April 2023, when we finally secured some exceptional clones of Echeveria lutea, we were obsessed. Today, we’re excited to share our journey with you and explain why we believe Echeveria lutea deserves a prominent place in every succulent collection.

Three Exceptional Clones of Echeveria Lutea when we acquired them in April 2023 from a chinese nursery.
What Makes Echeveria Lutea Special?
Echeveria lutea is a distinctive succulent native to regions in and around San Luis Potosí, Mexico. This remarkable plant forms a solitary rosette with narrow, reddish-purple leaves that curve upward along the edges, creating a central trough. As the plant matures, its flat, undulating leaves develop an appearance reminiscent of a jellyfish.
While Echeveria lutea enjoys popularity in Japan and parts of Europe, it remains uncommon in cultivation in the United States, Korea, and China.
The Journey to Propagate Echeveria Lutea
1. Confirming the True Species
Our propagation journey began with a critical step: confirming that our clones were true to species. Several similar varieties, such as Echeveria bifida, closely mimic the physical traits of Echeveria lutea.
To ensure authenticity, we allowed our plants to bloom. As the flower stalks developed, the vibrant yellow, tightly opened blooms (Shown Below) confirmed that these were indeed Echeveria lutea. This identification process was guided by images and descriptions from the International Crassulaceae Network.

Phases of blooming that helped us confirm the species
2. Vegetative Propagation
Once the species was verified, we began the process of vegetative propagation. Over the past two years, we have carefully propogated the parents in order to cultivate exact clones, and now we are bringing more and more of these clones to maturity. Our goal was to increase the availability of this exceptional species while maintaining its genetic integrity.

Seedlings of E. Lutea being grown in the nursery
Making Echeveria Lutea Accessible
As of December 2024, we are thrilled to announce that our Echeveria lutea will make regular appearances to our webshop. This marks a significant milestone in our mission to make this uncommon species accessible to collectors worldwide.
The cost of Echeveria lutea is still relatively high due to its rarity, but as more seedlings mature and our propagation efforts expand, we aim to make it more affordable. By sharing these exceptional clones with our customers, we hope to see Echeveria lutea transition from being a rarity to a staple in succulent collections.
Why Does Every Collector Needs Echeveria Lutea?
Adding Echeveria lutea to your collection is more than just acquiring a beautiful plant. It’s an opportunity to participate in the preservation and cultivation of a native species.