Growing Overboard - The True Succulents Blog
Echeveria Tobarensis: A Brief Introduction and the Beginnings of In-House Propagation
Tobar seedlings are growing at their own pace—slower than most—but we remain optimistic. With care and time, we’re hopeful that by the end of the year, these clones will be ready to share with our customers.
The Impact of Water on Succulent Health and Growth: Why Water Quality Matters
Watering isn’t just about how much and how often—it’s about what kind of water you’re using. As our experience with sodium buildup taught us, water quality plays a vital role in the health of our succulents. By taking steps to ensure your plants receive the right kind of water, you can avoid potential problems and help your succulents thrive.
Can Echeveria Be Grafted to Kalanchoe? Our Skeptical Experiment and Results
Back in July of this year videos and photographs from Japanese and Chinese succulent growers showcased something seemingly impossible: Echeveria grafted onto Kalanchoe rootstock. For years, grafting Echeveria onto any rootstock—let alone a different genus—was considered impossible.
Echeveria Lutea: Our Mission to Make This Uncommon Species a Staple in Every Succulent Collection
In April 2023, when we finally secured some exceptional clones of Echeveria lutea, we were obsessed. Today, we’re excited to share our journey with you and explain why we believe Echeveria lutea deserves a prominent place in every succulent collection.
The Rise of Succulents in Korea: How Korea Became the Succulent Capital of the World
South Korea’s journey to becoming the succulent capital of the world is a story of resilience, innovation, and cultural alignment. By leveraging government-supported research, advanced greenhouse infrastructure, and a cultural affinity for neatness and beauty, Korea has built a thriving industry that leads the world in both production and quality.
How To Mix Your Own Succulent Soil: A comprehensive guide to succulent soil.
Here's how we mix our succulent and echeveria soil here at the greenhouse!
We incorporate a blend of mostly inorganic elements to ensure optimal dr...
How to Fertilize Succulents and Echeveria
A synthesis of knowledge about fertilizing succulents derived from over seven years of growing succulents professionally.
Combatting, Managing and Understanding Rot in Echeveria and other Succulents
A synthesis of knowledge about managing rot derived from over seven years of growing succulents professionally.
Echeveria Runyonii Variegated AKA Echeveria 'Akaihosi' Variegated
Echeveria 'Akaihosi' Variegated is a variegated form of Echeveria 'Runyonii'. A beautifully variegated variety prized for its blue and cream white hues.
Get to Know: Echeveria 'Fimbriata' Variegated AKA Echeveria 'Fasciculata' Variegated
A stunning variety of Echeveria grown for its intense streaks, patterns and bold coloration.
Are Echeverias Actually Desert Plants? Not Really.
A brief post discussing Echeverias native climate and how it affects how we care for them.
Rooting Your Succulents Using Water Therapy
The seemingly terrifying yet incredibly effective way of rooting succulents.